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Giulio Padoin and Gabriele Lucherini met in 2018 within the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and started working as a duo under the guidance of Edoardo Torbianelli, Christophe Coin, Petr Skalka and Leila Schayegh. For years they have both been interested in rediscovering the didactic and aesthetic sources of the 18th and 19th centuries, and in performing this type of repertoire on original instruments or copies of them. This research has led them to find a common language of expression and interpretation: the attention of the Ricerche Parallele duo is directed towards the fusion of the sound, improvisation, the different uses of rubato and nuances, the study of the form and the narrative language of the performed pieces.
In 2021 they reached the final round of the “Beethoven in his Time” international competition and received an extraordinary additional prize. I
n 2022 they win the “International Van Wassenaer Competition 2022” (organised by the “Utrecht Early Music Festival”) and also receive the Audience Award.
They perform in France, Italy and Switzerland.

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